2011 Year in Review


Throughout 2011 I’ve had a mixture of amazing moments and sad ones. The lowest of the lows was when one of my grandmothers passed away in the spring of 2011 and I drove to New Jersey for her funeral. It was the hardest on my sister and my mother because of their distance and closeness respectively. And yet one of the biggest successes this year, and one I know my grandmother would have been proud to hear about, was a six month internship with Zuma Press starting after the New Year. My grandmother always encouraged me that as one door closes another one most certainly opens.

In 2011 I’ve also been able to find a great community of refugees from Burma in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I will continue documenting their lives along with the community in Southern California during 2012. They have shown me what it is to be more humble, what it means to care for someone openly and empathically, plus their spirit and understanding has been amazing. I am grateful for their acceptance of my presence into their day-to-day lives, their festivals, road trips, and homes. This is why nearly half of the images in this review of 2011 are from the refugee community from Burma.

There are big plans for 2012 that will hopefully allow me to continue to work on personal projects, give back to the photo community, and build more lifelong relationships well into the future.

I wanted to thank a list of people, but it would be obnoxiously long. You know who you are. Everyone one of you I am grateful for on this journey.

A Day At The Fair


I'm usually not a fan of using flash, but I did use it for some of these photos.  I do like the look it gave to this one.

These were taken the day before her birthday at a fair that was happening in Bunnell, FL.


I know I love Alyssa, because she got me on this ride. Wow- was I nauseous!


Alyssa looking very cool.


This girl is way braver then I. Not having a ticket saved me from having to ride this thing. No farris wheels for me!

Alyssa getting a lift from dad.

Getting a helping hand from a friend.

Happy Earth Day

This is a piece of equipment that I would love to see her receive. As you can see this gives her the opportunity to work her legs. 

This is a piece of equipment that I would love to see her receive. As you can see this gives her the opportunity to work her legs. 

Happy Earth Day! Here are a couple of archive photos from Earth Day's past. This second photo of her in this walker was at a time when Alyssa was receiving therapy. She was at the time, able to scoot her self around pretty well. It was a great source of therapy, and sense of independence for her.

Burmese Refugee New Year Celebration

This community had much more depth and honest moments than I could capture in the short 4 hours I was privileged to photograph at the New Year celebration this weekend. I plan to pursue the refugees of Burma here in Bowling Green more extensively as I have time over my course studies here at WKU. Even with the language barrier I was given much more insight into who these refugees are culturally and economically than I could have ever imagined possible. I must thank Jimmy, also a refugee from Burma, for all his help with gaining access to their wonderful community.

Water Park

Alyssa & Alexxis
Alyssa & Alexxis
Alyssa, Alexxis, & London
Alyssa, Alexxis, & London
Alyssa & Alexxis
Alyssa & Alexxis
Alyssa loving the water
Alyssa loving the water

A quick update to let everyone know that things are moving along swimmingly.  We are very pleased at where we are at this point.  Everyday there has been something new, and exciting occurring.  We are grateful to everyone who has reached out with their support, ideas, and connections.  Please continue to spread the word!

Palm Coast, FL Spreading The Word

Just would like to thank The Palm Coast Observer, and to Shanna Fortier for the nice piece that they did covering 'Love for Alyssa'.  Please have a look if you haven't seen it.

'Love for Alyssa' in the Palm Coast Observer
'Love for Alyssa' in the Palm Coast Observer

click here

Also, I would like to thank fellow WordPress blogger Camille, at Baby Pickel, for doing a nice post about 'LFA' on their site.  Baby Pickel is a local organization that gives back to mothers in need. 

Baby Pickel blog post for Love for Alyssa

Baby Pickel blog post for Love for Alyssa

Thank you for your support!

In the Pool

Alyssa-silly face
Alyssa-silly face
Alyssa- warming hearts easily
Alyssa- warming hearts easily
Alexxis & Duane- Alexxis's Birthday
Alexxis & Duane- Alexxis's Birthday

Here is Alyssa warming hearts, and making friends so easily.  I remember we decided to go into the hot tub, and I don't even think I had gotten all the way in yet, and she had already made an instant connection with these girls.  These images show her playfulness and sweetness.

I also love this picture of Duane holding Alexxis, we were at a hotel in Daytona Beach celebrating Alexxis's birthday.  I admire this look that I see from Duane all the time.  His love for these girls shows through so much.  This is a look you will so often see, as I do.

Introduction To Alyssa


Thought I should share with you the first time my camera clicked this beautiful face.  I had stopped by her classroom the day before just to meet her without my camera.  All the children were napping when I came in, though Alyssa was wide awake.  I went over and whispered, "How nice it is to meet you!" I immediately got what others had said, because she certainly 'had me' from the first hello.


The following morning I came in and there she was laying on the floor about to play with a container of "my little ponies."  This was my 2nd frame.


Alyssa Jadyn Hagstrom was born February 14th, 2004, at Ormond Beach Memorial Hospital, in Ormond Beach, FL.  At birth she was diagnosed with a condition called  Arthrogryposis.  When she was delivered her legs, arms, and wrists were in a stiff, bent, inward position that would not allow for movement. 

At two days old, all her limbs and wrists were stretched as far as possible to aim towards a more normal position; including cutting the right hamstring, for casts to set into place. 


Within her first year of life, she had two major surgeries.  Alyssa's feet were  extremely clubbed. They were stuck in a position like a ballerina dancing in her toe shoes.  In order to gain a chance of normalcy, her Achilles tendons were cut on both feet.  Her left foot sustained even more extreme measures because of the crooked position it was in.  Surgeons had to remove her foot at the ankle bone by conducting what they call a "bone rotation,"  by cutting the bone in two places to twist and reattach into place.  Visibly seen metal rods held her foot together for six months.

This act of stretching her limbs into position to be placed in casts had to be repeated.  Her condition causes all of her joints to be contracted, causing her never to be able to have the muscle to control them. 

Today Alyssa has no use of her legs, arms, and limited use of her fingers.  This summer she may be  undergoing surgery for an elbow release.  This possibility would give her a bit of much-needed independence. Her arm would then be able to rest on the table, and she could bend down to reach towards her fork or spoon to eat.


This is an earlier photo as well, taken back when she was receiving therapy, but at this time she is not. 

 I am very thankful to Duane for letting me into their life in such an intimate way.  I've been able to capture some beautiful images along this journey.   I am very proud of this work.  The possibilities the impact of this project could have on her life is a very overwhelming thought.

I've gone to the extent of creating this corporation to follow through with what I believe is possible.  Alyssa has no idea what she has done for me.  In her short life she has been through many disappointments and her spirit has never darkened.  She is worth fighting for. 

 I believe in the good of people.  The idea of Love For Alyssa is to create a 'movement'; for people to be inspired by the process of what coming together can create.  The art of photography is the center piece in which allows us to connect.  

This change will have a significant impact on her future.  Please come be a part of something so wonderful.
