Amy giving Alyssa a big smooch!
Introducing Amy Frederick Combs, Alyssa's new mommy to be. Over the summer, Alyssa had a bit of new, exciting announcements. Her daddy got engaged, and she moved into her new (to be) siblings home.
These are some photos I took just hanging out after Alyssa got home from school. She is in 2nd grade this year.
I love her self-determination to do things on her own. Here she is opening her closet to show me something
Alyssa playing with her soon to be step brother, Jackson
Alyssa had just announced that she wanted to say grace. I snapped this photo, and she told me to put my camera down, and hold her hand
I don't think I need to say much, this speaks for itself. Too funny!
Riding to her base. Alyssa playing a little ball with her sister Alexxis, and Amy's two children, Preston and Jackson
Everyone's got their wheels. Alyssa hanging with the boys in the neighborhood
Alyssa heading in for the night