Myanmar Community Church Part One

I connected with the Myanmar, formally known as Burma, refugee community in San Diego last week. There is still the same gratitude and appreciation, but the most noticeable difference is the religious faith in the San Diego community is Christianity. It has been explained to me that the refugee community in San Diego is Christian because minority group’s population percentage is 70% Karen, 20% Chin, and 10% other ethnic minorities from Myanmar.

I can not wait to dig deeper into the community. Find their stories. And bring them to the surface because of the recent, positive political movements in Myanmar.


Starting off the Holidays Just Right!

Alyssa toy shopping

Alyssa with eyes wide open in the toy aisle 

Can't believe that Christmas time is already upon us.  We have so much to be thankful for this year, thankful to all of you who have been supporting us in our efforts!  We are well on our way to reaching a couple of really big goals for us in the new coming year.  One being, that much-needed lift for Alyssa.

Sneak Peek

our new member
our new member

our newest member - image shot 9/29/11 

We have expanded! 2012 is going to be a very exciting year for us. As mentioned on Facebook, we began working on something special over the weekend with the help of photojournalist  Jason Greene, who has come on board to contribute his talent, to create a special introductory piece about our newest little member.  I assure you, your heart will melt.

Other great news to share is that The Art & Soul Studio in Palm Coast, FL is supporting our cause the whole month of December.  Get creative this holiday season, and head over there!  Proceeds from each holiday item will go to Love for Alyssa.

Finally, we would like to say thank you to everyone who turned out for our Poker Run, it was a fun event, and we met so many nice people. Here is a pic of our Jennifer Kuiper who did such a great job with everything, and our Poker winner, Pat.  Pat is a member of the Red Knights Motorcycle Club in Flagler County.

Jennifer Kuiper & Pat, our Poker Run Winner
Jennifer Kuiper & Pat, our Poker Run Winner

So, as a request this holiday season, if you're looking for a good cause to give to this year, here is a good place.  Please pass the word along, every little bit would help us get one step closer to getting our first piece of equipment for Alyssa.  You will be able to see first hand where your support will go.

Thank you!

Nature Walk Wrap-up

Alyssa- Nature Walk
Alyssa- Nature Walk

(T-shirt that was made for Alyssa by the children at Flagler Beach Montessori school that hung off the back of her wheelchair during the walk )

As I stated on our Facebook fan page last Saturday after the morning of our event, "We may live in a small town, but it is a great town!"  100 or so came out to join us in support of Alyssa.  As we started the walk, chills ran down my arms; the realization had hit-  this was really starting to happen. Seeing all these people come out to help make a difference in this little girls life, left me with such a great feeling.

There was a special table set up at the walk with creative little art works made by the children at Flagler Beach Montessori school that were being sold in behalf of Alyssa, and they wore hand painted T-shirts that read, " ♥ you Alyssa."

Overall, the event was laid back, organized, and smooth, thanks to Kerri Huckabee, Amy Sammelman, Lisa Malphurs, Sue Sisk, and all the children.  We are extremely grateful for them wanting to be a part of our organization, and hosting this event.

We were so happy that Duane was able to make it to the event.  He was humbled by the many fellow teachers, coaches, and students from Flagler Palm Coast high school who came out to support Alyssa. It was heart-warming to see them all there.   FPC alone raised $1,000 dollars, and we are so thankful for their support.

And, someone who needs to be greatly acknowledged, and wasn't able to be there with us that day, is Ms. Jennifer Kuiper.  Jennifer is a teacher at FPC, and heads up our fundraising,  We don't know what we would do without her.  She has gone above and beyond to make things happen. We are so glad she is on board with us!

Thanks so much Jenn!

We are very pleased with the outcome of our 1st event,the Nature Walk raised a total of $3,314.29. 

Unfortunately I do not have too many photos to share with you all, my mind was a bit elsewhere.

Thank you again to everyone who came out, and everyone who couldn't be with us, but so graciously donated.  We are truly grateful!

~j. kaczmarek

Duane and family with teachers, coaches, & students of FPC

Dale Brooke (her granddaughter), pushing her on the walk, with Karina Bell, and Flagler Beach Montessori school owner & director, Kerri Huckabee

Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011
Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011

On the walk

Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011
Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011

Alyssa posing with a few young supporters

Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011
Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011

Alyssa, Lisa Malphurs, and some of the children from Flagler Beach Montessori

Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011
Alyssa- Nature Walk 2011

Alyssa & I with some of our little friends

Images From A Hospital Visit

Duane Hagstrom after surgery
Duane Hagstrom after surgery
Alyssa visiting Daddy in the hospital
Alyssa visiting Daddy in the hospital
Visiting Daddy in the hospital
Visiting Daddy in the hospital
Visiting Daddy in the hospital
Visiting Daddy in the hospital
Strolling the hospital floors
Strolling the hospital floors

October 6th, 2011, Duane Hagstrom underwent hip replacement surgery at Halifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach, FL.  These are some images from my visit.  He's a strong guy, doing really well.

Duane would love to make it to the walk for Alyssa scheduled this morning. If he makes it that will be wonderful, but if he can't - we totally understand.  We wish him a speedy recovery!

This is an exciting day, since this is our first fundraiser!  If you can join us, registration is at 9:45am / walk beginning at 10am.  This event is $20, up to any amount, per family.

Flagler Beach Montessori School/Wickline Park, 800 South Daytona Ave., Flagler Beach, FL 32136

Again, we would like to thank Flagler Beach Montessori School for hosting this event to support Alyssa.  Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Exciting Family News for Alyssa


Amy giving Alyssa a big smooch!

Introducing Amy Frederick Combs, Alyssa's new mommy to be.  Over the summer, Alyssa had a bit of new, exciting announcements.  Her daddy got engaged, and she moved into her new (to be) siblings home.

These are some photos I took just hanging out after Alyssa got home from school.  She is in 2nd grade this year.


I love her self-determination to do things on her own.  Here she is opening her closet to show me something


Alyssa playing with her soon to be step brother, Jackson


Alyssa had just announced that she wanted to say grace. I snapped this photo, and she told me to put my camera down, and hold her hand


I don't think I need to say much, this speaks for itself. Too funny!


Riding to her base.  Alyssa playing a little ball with her sister Alexxis, and Amy's two children, Preston and Jackson


Everyone's got their wheels.  Alyssa hanging with the boys in the neighborhood


Alyssa heading in for the night

Alyssa gets special treatment & 1st fundraiser information


Alyssa was invited by fellow LFA sponsor, Sharon Capece, to come and have some special treatment for the day.  Alyssa had her first facial, and loved every minute of it.  Sharon was also nice to give Alyssa some free goodies to take home to pamper herself with.   Alyssa also learned an important message that day- never leave home without first applying sun block to your face!  Words to live by.

Alyssa thanked Sharon by coloring her a special picture and autographing it.  Sharon gave Alyssa her number, and Alyssa called her on the phone to say hi just soon after.

Thank you so much Sharon for a great time!

Sharon is part of the Dermatology Associates of Northeast FL. here in Palm Coast, and is a certified CCE, CME, Esthetician.  If you are looking for some special treatment too; facials, laser, or peels- contact  here office at  386-446-4466.

(Alyssa coloring and signing her picture of Sharon)

We have now scheduled our first fundraiser for Alyssa. This event is being hosted by Flagler Beach Montessori School. We posted an events page about the walk on Facebook the other day, but we realize not everyone is a user.  We were thinking to do a 5k, but we have changed that to a "Nature Walk".  We really want little people to participate, and they may not be up for a 5k.  If you would like to run though, you are more than welcome to!

The event will take place October 15th, at 10am, at Flagler Beach Montessori School/ Wickline Park, 800South Daytona Ave., Flagler Beach, FL,32136. Pre-registration is at 9:45am.  It is $20 per family, and up to any possible amount.  You may pay by credit card through paypal, just go to our Donations link at the top of the page.  You will see "Nature Walk Fundraiser Donations".  Please email us at, to let us know that your donation is specifically for the walk.  You may pay by cash or check, the day of the event. We hope to see you there!  If you can not make it, or live to far away, please consider making a donation!

I am also happy to report that it looks like we may only have one photograph left to be sponsored for!  If you are interested, please let us know.

Or, if you are interested in being a sponsor for the project/Love for Alyssa, Inc. , your support would be much appreciated.

Please continue to spread the word & don't forget to tell others about our "Nature Walk"!

Message from Alyssa

Alyssa with daddy
Alyssa with daddy

With a full day of running around, Jerry Englehart and I were able to make it to Alyssa just before sunset, so he could capture this piece before heading back to  Bowling Green, Kentucky the following morning.  Big thank you to Jerry for doing this.

Also, Jerry will be coming on as a Director for Love for Alyssa, Inc.

 Check out the quick video, we just wanted to give you a glimpse of what she is like.  Please share the link with others, and please continue to spread the word.  Thank you!

Kerri Huckabee, the owner and Director of Flagler Beach Montessori school in Flagler County, FL.  has just notified me that they have booked their Love For Alyssa NatureWalk/Run Fundraiser for Oct. 15th at 10:00am. This will be donations of a minimum of $20.00 per family, up to any possible amount.

This is very exciting, and we are very grateful!  I will be back with details on how to register.

Sweet Pea

Alyssa (sweet pea)

Can't wait to spend some time with this sweet pea when I'm back in town, where has the summer gone to!  It's going by so fast!

I would like to give a special thanks to Kelley Van Epps and Debby Moss for having linked Love for Alyssa on their site.  We appreciate your support!  Their company Art Box Designs offers creative personalized gifts.  Please have a look at their great things.

Update, Behind the Scenes, & Thank You's!

Hi All, This post is to get everyone up to speed as to where we are at this time, and to give you a peek at some of the very important people involved in this project.

Also, I would like to take a moment to thank these people so much, and to thank everyone who has thus far opened their hearts, which includes our sponsors, individual donors, anonymous donors, and to those lending a helping hand.  It is exciting to see the wheels in motion and the light ahead.

We are grateful for the outcome of support that has followed since the launch of this project in March.   In late May, in a meeting with our lawyer Dennis Bayer we went over the necessary logistics in preparation to move forward.  Meaning soon we will be filing for our 501c3 status.

Following that meeting, we met at the Hollingsworth Gallery for a final decision on the count of images that will be in the exhibition.  The original plan was to have 15 images, but we have now added to that number, making it a total of 20.  There will be one more 30x40, and 4 images at 20x30. With these five added images, we now have a total of 6 images left to be sponsored for.  The cost to sponsor an image will remain at $200.

I would like to thank Piedmont Plastics whom from day one was on board with helping with this exhibition.  Their company, whose corporate location is in North Carolina, generously supports this project by fully sponsoring all of the glass needed for this exhibition.  A special thanks goes to Mr. Ted Isbell for making that happen.

One hand has crossed over another through this journey.  Thanks to JJ Graham, owner of the Hollingsworth Gallery, he directed me to speak with photographer A.J. Neste.  A.J. has no idea how grateful I am to him because he connected me to my missing link, my lawyer Dennis Bayer.  I couldn't proceed with this vision without this key person.  Thank you A.J.!

A.J. is not only an incredible surf photographer, but he also has a big heart. He is the director for the "Voice " program that is under the Florida EndowmentFoundation.  This is a program that not only teaches kids to photograph, but also helps them gain knowledge to the business aspects of the profession.

So, let me start by showing you who some very special/important people are...

dennis bayer
dennis bayer

image by Jerry Englehart Jr.

This is Dennis Bayer our lawyer.  We can't begin to thank him enough for believing in what we are doing.  He is an amazing person!  I wanted to share this wonderful article written in the Daytona News Journal  back in February about his dedication to our community.  Please check out the link!

dennis bayer's office - flagler beach, fl
dennis bayer's office - flagler beach, fl

(image I shot of Dennis's office that over looks Flagler Beach)

susan kates
susan kates

This is paralegal, Suasn Kates for the Law Office of Dennis Bayer.  I appreciate Susan so much.  She is a friend who has been so extremely helpful with everything, and a shoulder to lean on with my 1,000 questions.

j.j. grahm
j.j. grahm

J.J Graham

mercedez & gab
mercedez & gab

Mercedez & Gabriel

 Artist/ Painter, JJ Graham and life partner, photographer Mercedez Buzbee McCartney (shown above with their son Gabriel at my son's recent birthday party), are the owners of the Hollingsworth Gallery.  A friend had told me about the gallery, and upon my first visit I was floored by what they had created in our community.  It is a special place, one that does not exists in too many places.  I approached them immediately about my ideas, and I am thankful for their belief in me.  We quickly became great friends.

JJ's clear vision has succeeded by creating a place for contemporary artists to nurture their creativity.  One thing that I find most important, is having a community of peers that encourage one another and leave the silliness of competitiveness behind at the door.  When you are surrounded by other artists that feel the same that you do, it inspires you to challenge yourself in your own work.

No matter where you live, I encourage all artists of every medium to submit their work for review for exhibition at Hollingsworth.  The space is extraordinary, and they have expanded recently with the opening of their new gallery SECCA Tree Studios two doors down.  SECCA also includes artist studios for rental space, though I believe they are all reserved at this time.

In between these two galleries is a separate space for painters; those that are experienced artists and for those longing to learn.  Believe when I say, JJ is the person you would want to learn from!  Classes are available for adults and children.  There are  great summer classes available for children.  If you would like to inquire, see the link and call 386-871-9546.

jerry englehart
jerry englehart

This is my long time dear friend, and talented colleague, photographer Jerry Englehart Jr.  Jerry at this time attends Western Kentucky University studying photojournalism.  Jerry and I push each other. His opinion I trust most.

Jerry is great technically as well, and he was the one who implemented my vision for this site.

It was great that he was down recently and was able to attend the latest meeting with Dennis.

With barely anytime left from a full day of events.  Jerry and I left to meet with Alyssa.  We chased what little light we had left, so that Jerry could catch a quick video glimpse of her.  That will be to come.

delynn maples
delynn maples

This beautiful girl is Delynn Maples, Vice President of LFA.  Delynn is my right hand.  She is someone I can not thank enough.  I thank her for believing in me and being such a vital part of making everything happen.  Delynn has just moved to Washington State which means now we are going Skype, a familiar way that many companies work in today's world.

And, though we just spoke an hour ago, life is not the same without her and her family here.  I miss them so much already, and it's only been a week or so.  LOVE YOU Delynn!!!

I also would like to thank Alison Wynkoop Vanhoutte our secretary.  We appreciate you so much.  I've known Alison since moving to this area 6 years ago.  She is good people.  Her daughter Samantha, has always been a great little model for my personal work.

A couple of weeks ago, I met for the first time, Ms. Jennifer Kuiper, a teacher at Flagler Highschool.  Jennifer contacted me a few months ago willing to really help make a difference.  I am so impressed with the person she is, and extremely grateful to her for wanting to dive right in.  We will be working together on an upcoming fundraiser.  Thank you Jennifer!

Having only contacted a handful of people who had already known what I was trying to do, the word of mouth has gotten us this far.  Please friends continue to spread the word.  Feel free to contact Love for Alyssa if you would like to take part.

I will continue to update you all as we progress.  I never mentioned this before, but I have had many images set aside that I never plan on posting.  They are images I wish to keep until final edit, so that there will be some element of surprise come exhibition time.

Thank you all for your support, and please continue to spread the word!

Flager Beach Montessori

On 5/25/11 Alyssa and I visited Flagler Beach Montessori school in Flagler Beach, Fl.   Kerri Huckabee is the owner/director of the school, and I loved that she wanted Alyssa to come for a visit. Since having done an ongoing photo workshop with a hand full of her kids, and having been their school photographer this past year, I have gotten to know them, and have been very impressed with their forming personalities which is a great reflection as to the nurturing environment that Kerri has set in her school.  You feel the love and peace that is being instilled.

This visit was important, it went along with one of the many reasons I had for doing this project.  I want children to be involved, to participate.  This is good lesson to teach; to have compassion for others.  We are all created differently, but we ARE all the same. 

I knew Alyssa would really like the children and the school, and I was right because she didn't want to leave.  When we were driving away she said, "I made a lot of new friends."

And I said, "I know you did!"

In the Fall, Flagler Beach Montessori will be hosting a 5k Walk/Run fundraiser on Alyssa's behalf.  We are extremely grateful!

The image above was taken as soon as we arrived.  As you can see a group of little ones surrounded Alyssa to greet her.  Their unfiltered curiosity didn't hold them back from asking Alyssa all they wanted to know, which is evident by the look on all their little faces. 


Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman


Hello Everyone, it has been a while since I last posted.  Much has been happening, so I will begin working on a  post to get everybody up to speed as to where we  stand at this time.

Also, as I posted on Facebook Alyssa and I spent the day at Flagler Beach Montessori school recently.  Those photos are to come hopefully sometime today. 

 In the meantime, I came across this image I thought I would share.  This is my son Jack dressed as Spiderman.  He got this costume to wear for his 4th birthday, and he likes to dress up in it every chance he gets.  Here he is showing Alyssa just how cool he is.